Our Services

Gene Codes Forensics is an experienced management consultant organization for disaster identification. We understand the complete process of DNA-based victim identification, from initial data collection to sample analysis to results reporting.

  • We can provide complete consulting services to help with your identification efforts, including overall strategic planning for most effective use of available resources, and identification of potential gaps and bottlenecks in the process.
  • We can educate your staff on the particular issues of data gathering and management, and subsequent analysis that are unique to mass disasters.  We have a full day hands-on workshop on managing DNA data at a disasters using simulated data. We have conducted this workshop at several forensics meetings, such as the Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists and the Southern Association of Forensic Scientists annual meetings.
  • We will work with your particular needs and current in-place capabilities to develop a complete analytical plan.
    • By mapping your process from end to end, we will provide a visual plan you can use to improve efficiency across the board, and help you develop standardized procedures that will minimize subsequent data handling issues.
  • We can help you understand the complex process of DNA identification. We understand the issues around sample collection, the advantages and limitations of various methods currently in use around the world, and we will help you development the type of standardized procedures required for maximizing downstream analysis accuracy and efficiency. We can provide data validation and review services from people experienced in the particularities of data recovered from mass disasters. We have extensive experience dealing with:
    • Co-mingled remains, statistical thresholds, sampling strategies, working with degraded DNA
  • We understand that effective communication, both between agencies and resources directly involved in the recovery operation, and compassionate communication with the families of victims is critical. We can help you manage those channels of communication effectively.
  • As a highly successful independent developer of bioinformatics software widely used in the Life Sciences for more than two decades, we have unsurpassed experience in the evaluation and needs assessment for your data analysis tasks.
© 2023 Gene Codes Forensics, Inc.